I-83 East Shore Section 1
The East Shore Section 1 project extends from the I-81 junction to south of the Union Deposit Interchange near Peiffers Lane. The project includes reconstruction and widening of I-83, with three lanes in each direction throughout the project limits, plus a fourth continuous auxiliary lane (extra lane in between on and off ramps) in each direction between interchanges. The project also includes reconstruction of the Route 22 (Jonestown Road) Interchange, widening and resurfacing of Route 22 (Jonestown Road) between South Franklin Street and Colonial Road, and replacement of the Route 22 (Jonestown Road), Elmerton Avenue, and Union Deposit Road bridges over I-83.

East Shore Section 1 was split into two construction contracts (See figure above).
Contract 1 of East Shore Section 1 was completed in May of 2019. Contract 1 included replacing three overhead bridges (Route 22 (Jonestown Road), Union Deposit Road and Elmerton Avenue), along with curb and sidewalk improvements on Route 22 (Jonestown Road), and modifications to the Route 22 (Jonestown Road) Interchange.

The Elmerton Avenue Bridge has been replaced.

The Union Deposit Road bridge has been replaced with a wider bridge and new sidewalks.
In June 2018, PennDOT opened bids for Contract 2 of East Shore Section 1. Notice to proceed was given to the contractor in July of 2018 and construction was completed in 2022. Contract 2 includes the widening of the I-83 roadway and construction of four new mainline bridges over local roads, retaining walls, and noise walls. Union Deposit Road will be resurfaced, and new sidewalks will be installed.

Upon completion, I-83 will consist of three lanes for through traffic in each direction, with a fourth continuous auxiliary lane between interchanges, and a widened 26-ft median.