ESS3 Bicycle/Pedestrian

ESS3 Bicycle/Pedestrian Accomodations

Project Update January 2024

As the design to the bicycle and pedestrian accommodations has progressed, adjustments have been made to the pedestrian and bicycle marking layout. The updated layout for East Shore Section 3 is presented in the figure below.

I 83 Sec 079 Bike Marking Overview  no sign callouts

East Shore Section 3 Conceptual Bike Marking Layout (click to enlarge)

Project Update February 2020

Over the past few weeks, the City of Harrisburg and PennDOT District 8 have met several times to discuss and further develop enhancements and refinements to the pedestrian and bicycle accommodations for the I-83 cross streets along 13th Street, 17th Street, 19th Street and Paxton Street from 13th to 17th Streets as shown on the typical sections below. These typical sections replace those from October 2019 update.

Section 3 Typicals (Click to enlarge)
I 83 Crossings Revised Page 1

13th Street Typical Section Roadway

I 83 Crossings Revised Page 2

13th Street Typical Section Bridge over I-83

I 83 Crossings Revised Page 3

17th Street Typical Section Roadway

I 83 Crossings Revised Page 4

17th Street Typical Section under

I 83 Crossings Revised Page 5

17th Street Typical Section Bridge over Norfolk Southern

I 83 Crossings Revised Page 6

19th Street Typical Section Roadway

I 83 Crossings Revised Page 7

19th Street Typical Section Bridge over I-83 & Norfolk Southern

I 83 Crossings Revised Page 8

Paxton Street Typical Section under I-83

I 83 Crossings Revised Page 9

Paxton Street: 13th Street to 17th Street Typical Section Roadway

### Project Update October 2019

Bicycle and pedestrian accommodations are continuing to be refined as the project progresses through preliminary engineering. PennDOT’s Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, Tri-County Regional Planning Commission’s Regional Planner dealing with bicycles and pedestrians, the City of Harrisburg, and Swatara and Lower Paxton Townships all participated in coordination efforts.

As part of this coordination, standard signing and pavement markings were developed to assist bicyclists and motorists as they approach various intersections. Bicyclists have the choice to share the lane with motorist or remain on the shoulder. The figure below illustrates the standard situations.

I 83 Sec 079 Bike Marking Detail

Standard Bike Marking Detail (click to enlarge)

Both East Shore Section 2 and Section 3 Project teams used these standards to develop a preliminary layout of the local roadways, establishing consistency throughout both projects. The preliminary layout for Section 3 is presented in the figure below.

I 83 Sec 079 Bike Marking Overview  no sign callouts

East Shore Section 3 Conceptual Bike Marking Layout (click to enlarge)